KeyRing's New Service in Bristol

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Help When You Need it is a new KeyRing service for people with learning disabilities, mental health issues or autism living in the community in Bristol. 


We work with people to develop their independence, reducing the need for more formal services. How we do this will depend on each person’s goals but could include support with paperwork, budgeting, employment, housing, health, or signposting to other services.

Support is provided as and when people need it. This could be support with a one-off issue or up to 12 months one to one support.

People can drop in to our weekly hubs where they will have the opportunity to speak to a Community Enabler for additional support and will have access to our Out of Hours service even when they are not receiving other support.

There are no financial assessments and support is free.

For more information contact Zoe Ireland on 07970 466 598 or at

Find out more about our services in the South West.

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