Matt is a friendly resident of Stratford upon Avon. When he came to us he was feeling lonely and had lost control of his finances. He had a lovely flat but he was missing essential bits of furniture like a bed.
We soon came to realise that his friendly and welcoming nature meant he had been taken advantage of. He had befriended local men who were now using Matt's property to deal drugs from as well as stealing anything of worth from him. This is also known as cuckooing.
We supported Matt to report the cuckooing to the local police.
They visited him on a regular basis and stopped the men from being able to go Matt's home or local area with an injunction.
The housing provider also set up a gate and video cameras to help Matt feel secure.
Matt got help from local people and organisations with food and furnishings while he got back on his feet. He set up a budget and a plan to get back in control of his finances so that he could manage on his own.
Matt is still as friendly and is much happier. He now has a better understanding of healthy friendships and how to make sure that he looks after himself and his home.