The Benefits of Boccia Posted on 24 July 2023 From isolation to employment with a lot of fun in-between. We’ve had some amazing successes with our Boccia team. One of our Members, nicknamed the Sniper because of his precision and game winning shots, has found Boccia to be life changing. 5 years ago he was reluctant to chat and be social and was dealing with paranoid schizophrenia. Then we introduced him to Boccia and he instantly took to it. He became less withdrawn and started to enjoy meet ups. He became the Sniper. He started to come to all the games and even wanted to play for our team in our local Bath league that the sports company who were supporting us had set up. When we were given a grant to expand it he became a volunteer that helped set up, welcomed people and got them signed in. This is an amazing step! And he didn’t stop there. His confidence continued to improve and he asked us to support him to get a job, something he’d not had for over 20 years. He is now working as well as continuing to be involved in the team. All because of a little game called Boccia.